Friday, May 30, 2008

Getting Rid of the Little Black Cloud

Bad news never has good timing. For the last couple of weeks, it seems there is bad news all around. It started with Johnny's funeral and just went south from there. All of a sudden, so many friends have sick relatives or family crises. Gas is through the roof. The national economy is bad. My personal economy is bad. Bad news from another church in our area. I don't want to go to the mailbox or answer the phone--it will probably be more bad news.

What do you do when you're sick of bad news? Well, I'm not going to get drunk, so what else? I'm going to celebrate. This morning I just decided I was sick of being in the dumper all day, and I'm going to celebrate. I don't care what the newspaper says. Even with all our shortcomings, faults, and failures, I still think I live in the greatest state in the greatest country on earth, and I'm going to celebrate that today. I have an incredible family and awesome friends who have not stopped loving us even with this little black cloud hanging over our heads, and I'm going to celebrate them. I have a God who loves me, whose mercy was renewed with the morning, and I'm celebrating Him today. I'm proud of the amazing little band of people who call themselves Church @ the Springs, and I'm celebrating them today. Bad news sucks, and I'm tired of it. It's time to have some fun, whether I feel like it or not.

Saturday and Sunday afternoon, I'm DJing at the Perry Family YMCA for the grand opening of their awesome new pool. I haven't DJ'd in years, but it was my college job back in the day and I'm looking forward to it. I'm going to play party songs for 3 hours each day and dance and have fun and be reminded that life is still good. I'm going to celebrate with my church on Sunday morning, and celebrate with my table group on Sunday night. Sometimes you just have to force yourself to quit being a whiner and get some joy. If the joy of the Lord is my strength, then my whining is my weakness. It's time for some joy of the Lord.

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