Monday, June 2, 2008

Community and Catalytic Converters

When you say "small group," I think many people, especially guys, have an uncomfortable image in their minds of a bunch of people in a living room sharing their feelings. Last night, the guys in our group did auto repair. Blake's catalytic converter almost fell off on the way over to the house, and he didn't know how to fix it. I had the tools and Pete had the know-how and, after a quick trip to the auto parts store, Blake's exhaust system was good as new.

Real Christian community is about people sharing more than just Bible study. For us, it often starts with sharing meals, but it moves beyond that pretty quickly. Last night it was sharing tools, which is about as big as it gets in my world. I'll probably be at Pete's this week to get the grip replaced on my putter, and we're working on overhauling an old chain saw. Last week I borrowed his trailer to move some furniture. That's every bit as important as our meetings, maybe more so.

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