Friday, May 9, 2008

What's a Mom Worth?

Can you put a dollar value on motherhood? The newspaper said today that if you include "overtime," moms typically do about $117,000 worth of work in the home each year, based on current market value for tasks usually done by moms in the home. When I read that, I thought to myself, "wow, maybe I should get into that line of work." But then I started thinking about what moms do, and realized I couldn't handle it.

The most important things moms do have no price tag: being the listening ear after a hard day at work or school, kissing boo boos, cheering from the bleachers, and saying bedtime prayers, just to name a few. I think one of the great intangibles many moms bring to a family is their noble aspirations for everyone else in the home. Moms tend to ooze their hopes and dreams for the rest of the family. Often, the mom's desires for her family's spiritual welfare become the catalyst for God's work in the whole family. Our new teaching series, "Starter Homes," is an extension of those desires. We hope that some moms' hopes and dreams for God's work in their family find encouragement and help in this series.

The Bible says such a woman is worth more than rubies (Proverbs 31:10). Since I'm not very knowledgeable about precious stones, I decided to find out how much rubies are worth. To my surprise, they're even more expensive than diamonds. I found a 4+ carat ruby for more than $12,000. So ladies, you obviously deserve more than the small gift most of us will be able to give you this mother's day, but remember the immense value you have in the eyes of God--and the rest of us.

Come and celebrate Mother's Day with us at Countryside Park Sunday at 11:00 AM! Click here for more info.

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